1 |
React |
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces |
2 |
Redux |
A predictable state container for JavaScript apps |
3 |
React Router |
Declarative routing for React |
4 |
React Query |
Hooks for fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React |
5 |
Material-UI |
React components for faster and easier web development |
6 |
Styled-Components |
Visual primitives for the component age |
7 |
React Hook Form |
Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation |
8 |
Formik |
Build forms in React, without the tears |
9 |
React DnD |
Drag and Drop for React |
10 |
React Bootstrap |
Bootstrap components built with React |
11 |
Recoil |
State management library for React |
12 |
MobX |
Simple, scalable state management |
13 |
React Spring |
Spring-physics based animation library for React applications |
14 |
Framer Motion |
A production-ready motion library for React |
15 |
React Table |
A lightweight, fast and extendable data grid built for React |
16 |
React Select |
A flexible and beautiful Select Input control for ReactJS |
17 |
React Helmet |
Manage document head data with React |
18 |
React Testing Library |
Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities |
19 |
React i18next |
Internationalization for React done right |
20 |
React Hot Toast |
Smoking hot React notifications |
21 |
React Transition Group |
An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves |
22 |
React Calendar |
A flexible and customizable calendar library for React |
23 |
React Beautiful DnD |
Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React |
24 |
React Player |
A React component for playing media from various sources |
25 |
Reach UI |
Accessible UI components for React |
26 |
React Redux |
Official React bindings for Redux |
27 |
Recharts |
A composable charting library built on React components |
28 |
React Content Loader |
SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings |
29 |
React Waypoint |
A React component to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element |
30 |
React Virtualized |
React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data |
31 |
React Final Form |
High performance subscription-based form state management for React |
32 |
Blueprint |
A React-based UI toolkit for the web |
33 |
React Icons |
SVG React icons of popular icon packs |
34 |
React Datepicker |
A simple and reusable datepicker component for React |
35 |
Victory |
An ecosystem of modular data visualization components for React |
36 |
Reactstrap |
Simple React Bootstrap 4 components |
37 |
Emotion |
Library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript |
38 |
React Swipeable Views |
A React component for swipeable views |
39 |
React Confetti |
Confetti component for React |
40 |
React Pixi |
React bindings for PixiJS |
41 |
React Bootstrap Table2 |
A flexible and extensible table for React |
42 |
Semantic UI React |
The official Semantic-UI-React integration |
43 |
React Draggable |
React draggable component |
44 |
React Grid Layout |
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints |
45 |
Evergreen |
A React UI Framework for building ambitious products on the web |
46 |
React Tippy |
A lightweight tooltip component for React |
47 |
React Lazyload |
Lazyload your Component, Image or anything matters the performance |
48 |
React Spinners |
A collection of loading spinners with React.js |
49 |
React Grid System |
A powerful grid system for React |
50 |
React Leaflet |
React components for Leaflet maps |
51 |
React Copy to Clipboard |
Copy text to clipboard using React component |
52 |
React Idle Timer |
A react hook and component to manage and monitor idle state |
53 |
React Transition |
A component to animate components as they mount and unmount |
54 |
React Youtube |
Simple React component acting as a thin layer over the YouTube IFrame API |
55 |
React Date Range Picker |
A date range picker for your React app |
56 |
React Countup |
A configurable count-up timer component for React |
57 |
React Popper |
Positioning tooltips, popovers, and more for React |
58 |
React Resize Detector |
A hook and component to listen for element resizes |
59 |
React Markdown |
A Markdown component for React using remark |
60 |
React Loading Skeleton |
Create skeleton screens that automatically adapt to your app |
61 |
React Redux Toastr |
React Toastr component for Redux |
62 |
React Avatar |
Universal avatar component for React |
63 |
React Circular Progress |
Circular progress bar for React |
64 |
React Perfect Scrollbar |
Wrapper for Perfect Scrollbar |
65 |
React Toastify |
React notification made easy |
66 |
React Lightbox |
A lightweight lightbox component for React |
67 |
React Joyride |
Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your React app |
68 |
React Stripe Elements |
React components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements |
69 |
React Virtual |
Virtualized large lists with React |
70 |
React Visibility Sensor |
Sensor component to track visibility changes of a component |
71 |
React Alice Carousel |
A lightweight, fully customizable and responsive carousel component for React |
72 |
React Syntax Highlighter |
Syntax highlighting component for React |
73 |
React Split |
React component for resizable split views |
74 |
React Intersection Observer |
React component for monitoring intersections of a target element |
75 |
React Icons Pack |
A pack of free React icons |
76 |
React Smooth Scrollbar |
Customizable, smooth scrolling scrollbar for React |
77 |
React Simple Animate |
Animate React components using CSS and JavaScript |
78 |
React Circular Progressbar |
Progress bar component for React |
79 |
React Hookstate |
The simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React |
80 |
React Notification |
Simple to use React notification component |
81 |
React Color |
Color picker component for React |
82 |
React Hook Form Resolver |
Resolver for validation libraries like Yup, Joi, and more |
83 |
React Switch |
Customizable switch component for React |
84 |
React Split Pane |
Resizable split pane layout for React |
85 |
React Countup |
A configurable count-up timer component for React |
86 |
React Spring |
Spring-physics based animation library for React applications |
87 |
React Dropzone |
Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js |
88 |
React Selectable |
Selectable component for React |
89 |
React Joyride |
Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your React app |
90 |
React Copy to Clipboard |
Copy text to clipboard using React component |
91 |
React Tiny Popper |
A lightweight tooltip component for React |
92 |
React Slick |
Carousel component built with React and Slick.js |
93 |
React Tooltip |
Tooltip component for React |
94 |
React Truncate |
A React component for truncating text |
95 |
React Custom Scrollbars |
Customizable scrollbars component for React |
96 |
React Swiper |
Swiper component built with React |
97 |
React Transition Group |
An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves |
98 |
React Filepond |
Drag and drop file upload component for React |
99 |
React Player |
A React component for playing media from various sources |
100 |
React Carousel |
Carousel component for React |