Rank Library Name Description
1 React A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
2 Redux A predictable state container for JavaScript apps
3 React Router Declarative routing for React
4 React Query Hooks for fetching, caching, and updating asynchronous data in React
5 Material-UI React components for faster and easier web development
6 Styled-Components Visual primitives for the component age
7 React Hook Form Performant, flexible and extensible forms with easy-to-use validation
8 Formik Build forms in React, without the tears
9 React DnD Drag and Drop for React
10 React Bootstrap Bootstrap components built with React
11 Recoil State management library for React
12 MobX Simple, scalable state management
13 React Spring Spring-physics based animation library for React applications
14 Framer Motion A production-ready motion library for React
15 React Table A lightweight, fast and extendable data grid built for React
16 React Select A flexible and beautiful Select Input control for ReactJS
17 React Helmet Manage document head data with React
18 React Testing Library Simple and complete React DOM testing utilities
19 React i18next Internationalization for React done right
20 React Hot Toast Smoking hot React notifications
21 React Transition Group An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves
22 React Calendar A flexible and customizable calendar library for React
23 React Beautiful DnD Beautiful and accessible drag and drop for lists with React
24 React Player A React component for playing media from various sources
25 Reach UI Accessible UI components for React
26 React Redux Official React bindings for Redux
27 Recharts A composable charting library built on React components
28 React Content Loader SVG-Powered component to easily create placeholder loadings
29 React Waypoint A React component to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element
30 React Virtualized React components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
31 React Final Form High performance subscription-based form state management for React
32 Blueprint A React-based UI toolkit for the web
33 React Icons SVG React icons of popular icon packs
34 React Datepicker A simple and reusable datepicker component for React
35 Victory An ecosystem of modular data visualization components for React
36 Reactstrap Simple React Bootstrap 4 components
37 Emotion Library designed for writing css styles with JavaScript
38 React Swipeable Views A React component for swipeable views
39 React Confetti Confetti component for React
40 React Pixi React bindings for PixiJS
41 React Bootstrap Table2 A flexible and extensible table for React
42 Semantic UI React The official Semantic-UI-React integration
43 React Draggable React draggable component
44 React Grid Layout A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints
45 Evergreen A React UI Framework for building ambitious products on the web
46 React Tippy A lightweight tooltip component for React
47 React Lazyload Lazyload your Component, Image or anything matters the performance
48 React Spinners A collection of loading spinners with React.js
49 React Grid System A powerful grid system for React
50 React Leaflet React components for Leaflet maps
51 React Copy to Clipboard Copy text to clipboard using React component
52 React Idle Timer A react hook and component to manage and monitor idle state
53 React Transition A component to animate components as they mount and unmount
54 React Youtube Simple React component acting as a thin layer over the YouTube IFrame API
55 React Date Range Picker A date range picker for your React app
56 React Countup A configurable count-up timer component for React
57 React Popper Positioning tooltips, popovers, and more for React
58 React Resize Detector A hook and component to listen for element resizes
59 React Markdown A Markdown component for React using remark
60 React Loading Skeleton Create skeleton screens that automatically adapt to your app
61 React Redux Toastr React Toastr component for Redux
62 React Avatar Universal avatar component for React
63 React Circular Progress Circular progress bar for React
64 React Perfect Scrollbar Wrapper for Perfect Scrollbar
65 React Toastify React notification made easy
66 React Lightbox A lightweight lightbox component for React
67 React Joyride Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your React app
68 React Stripe Elements React components for Stripe.js and Stripe Elements
69 React Virtual Virtualized large lists with React
70 React Visibility Sensor Sensor component to track visibility changes of a component
71 React Alice Carousel A lightweight, fully customizable and responsive carousel component for React
72 React Syntax Highlighter Syntax highlighting component for React
73 React Split React component for resizable split views
74 React Intersection Observer React component for monitoring intersections of a target element
75 React Icons Pack A pack of free React icons
76 React Smooth Scrollbar Customizable, smooth scrolling scrollbar for React
77 React Simple Animate Animate React components using CSS and JavaScript
78 React Circular Progressbar Progress bar component for React
79 React Hookstate The simple but very powerful and incredibly fast state management for React
80 React Notification Simple to use React notification component
81 React Color Color picker component for React
82 React Hook Form Resolver Resolver for validation libraries like Yup, Joi, and more
83 React Switch Customizable switch component for React
84 React Split Pane Resizable split pane layout for React
85 React Countup A configurable count-up timer component for React
86 React Spring Spring-physics based animation library for React applications
87 React Dropzone Simple HTML5 drag-drop zone with React.js
88 React Selectable Selectable component for React
89 React Joyride Create walkthroughs and guided tours for your React app
90 React Copy to Clipboard Copy text to clipboard using React component
91 React Tiny Popper A lightweight tooltip component for React
92 React Slick Carousel component built with React and Slick.js
93 React Tooltip Tooltip component for React
94 React Truncate A React component for truncating text
95 React Custom Scrollbars Customizable scrollbars component for React
96 React Swiper Swiper component built with React
97 React Transition Group An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves
98 React Filepond Drag and drop file upload component for React
99 React Player A React component for playing media from various sources
100 React Carousel Carousel component for React